Don’t be fooled. Many flat fee MLS services will use your listing to find buyers for themselves. With our flat fee listing services, our goal is to get prospective buyers to our sellers immediately. Our service is based on a one-time flat fee that comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. We don’t just list your property, we use our extensive experience and knowledge to make sure you are in the best possible position to succeed. If you want personal service look no further.
Learn more about our Massachusetts flat-fee MLS service.
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Traditionally, sellers have had two options to explore when selling their property: Seller’s could market on FSBO sites, limiting exposure and usually resulting in a longer time on market, or Seller’s could list their property with a local real estate agency; paying upwards of 5-6% of the purchase price for listing and selling.
Going against tradition, Hillman gives those who are looking to sell a third option, making the other two options obsolete. With our Flat Fee MLS listing service seller now has the opportunity to market their home without having to pay outrageous listing fees.
Our mission is to provide seller’s with the necessary marketing and support that is essential to getting the property sold. Our service saves seller’s money and puts them in control. With our MA flat fee MLS service customer service is everything. We understand that the highest level of support is needed at all times 7 days a week.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
When you sell your home “By Owner” and compliment your marketing efforts with the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) you will have yourself a hybrid marketing plan. This is a great way to sell rel estate. By combining marketing efforts you get the biggest bang for your buck. Our Flat Fee MLS service is the wave of the future. By using our service what you are essentially doing is mass marketing your home with two drastically different mediums. Some call this method MLS FSBO or FSBO MLS. It’s like having two companies marketing your property. The first company is you, the seller. The second company is our flat fee MLS service or FSBO MLS service. This is a killer combo when selling your home. When savvy sellers use our Mass flat fee MLS service they are looking to save money and be involved with the selling process. With this course of action, the property owner literally pursues both methods of marketing through the Massachusetts MLS and FSBO methods simultaneously. Marketing your property via our flat fee MLS can be accomplished in New England with a special listing agreement called a Facilitation Agreement. With this flat fee MLS type agreement, we will list your property for sale in the MLS for a flat fee and give you the best service money can buy. This agreement puts a limitation on the real estate agencies duties as well as responsibilities to the seller such that the listing agents’ obligations and services are more or less limited to listing the property in the MLS. With our MA flat fee MLS service, we take care of all your online marketing and maintain your MLS listing. Our Facilitation listing agreement allows you, the owner, the right to market the property yourself and avoid further commissions altogether if the owner finds a buyer from their own marketing efforts. This service cancels out the listing side of the commission. Rather than taking a commission we are paid a flat fee advance at the time the MLS listing is activated. Under our MA flat fee MLS listing agreement, there would be no additional commission ever paid to us for listing your home on the MLS. No matter what – we will never request a commission percentage when your home sells. It doesn’t matter if a buyer’s agent sells your home or if you sell it on your own. The only time you will ever pay a commission is when a Buyer Agent brings you a buyer and the deal closes. Under a Facilitation Agreement, all other real estate agents can then try to sell your home to their potential buyers and earn a commission representing the Buyer as a “Buyers Agent.” Sellers can offer these Buyer Agents whatever percent commission they desire, but owners should consider that offering less than the traditional 2.0% 2.5% could affect these Buyer Agent degree of interest in showing your property to their customers. If you offer enough the Buyer Agent will tap all their resources to find a buyer.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
There are many reasons why listing through a flat fee listing service makes sense. Although listing in this manner is not for everyone, the benefits strongly outweigh the traditional alternatives in you really think the cost of selling is just too high. When marketing real estate exposure is everything. When selling you should go with a service who can guarantee extreme exposure for however long it takes to sell your property. The more eyes that see your property the better your chances are of finding the perfect buyer. Just like location matters in real estate. Exposure matters most when marketing real estate.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
We are a full-service brokerage, but we do things differently. We give people options. We are a technology and data-driven company. You can see how innovative we are by checking out our Agreement Wizard and Offer Wizard. Creating user-friendly agreement generators is anything but a simple task but we are focused on automating real estate dealings. We list homes on MLS to give sellers the exposure they need while removing the listing side of the commission which can be 2.5% or more. This translates into serious savings. Our seller’s pay us a flat fee, nothing more. We have no junk fees that can often add up. If a buyer’s agent procures a ready, willing, and able buyer you will pay them the compensation amount listed on the MLS sheet. If the buyer is not represented you pay zero commission. We make money on the flat fee listing and since we provide exceptional service and are skilled negotiators many of our sellers often ask us to help them locate, evaluate, and negotiate their next home. When we help our sellers buy, we refund the money spent on listing their home. Our sellers are not required to work with us to find their next property.
The initial term is 1 year unless otherwise noted. Why 1 year? Because it’s better than 3 or 6 months. You may think your property will sell right away but this is real estate and you never know what can happen. You could have your home under agreement the first day it hits the market and 7 weeks later you find out your buyer can’t get their financing to go through. When this happens you have to find another buyer and the months start to add up. Since you can cancel your listing at any time without penalty, it’s better to have the luxury of not looking at the calendar.
As a seller, you should be aware that New England Entry Only Flat Fee MLS services vary. Some in price, some in the quality of service and others in reputation. Naturally, everyone is looking for a good deal, which is why we offer such a low price for the service we provide. We know that getting a great price when listing your home for a flat fee might get you to sign up, but we also understand that a low price is worthless without exceptional service. We take pride in servicing our sellers who are looking to list for a flat fee. We are not just another flat fee listing service we are a referral based flat fee MLS listing service. This means we do everything in our power to provide you with the best possible selling experience so you will refer friends, family, and co-workers. Without you we have nothing. We have gained a loyal following and recognition because we educate our flat fee sellers so they know how to get a deal done with favorable terms. We provide exceptional support and advice at no extra charge from start to finish,
For a small flat fee, your home will be on the Multiple Listing Service until sold. This is the same exact service that every Massachusetts and New Hampshire Real Estate Agent uses to sell homes. Once we list your home we will have your listing syndicated across the Internet on various websites. In addition to our online marketing partner sites, your home will be displayed on thousands of individual real estate broker sites. Once you decide to list your home through our flat fee MLS service we will take care of all your online marketing. We do everything in our power to get the word out that you are selling your home. In real estate reputation is everything. Why? Because nobody wants to work with an agency who has a poor image or reputation. Our agency and flat fee MLS service are both well known and reputable throughout the industry here in New England. Real estate agents love introducing buyers to all properties we list on MLS for a flat fee because they know we assist quality sellers. Your listing will be introduced to Buyer’s Agents under the Hillman Real Estate name.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
As a seller, you should be aware that New England Entry Only Flat Fee MLS services can vary – greatly. Some in price, some in the quality of service and others in reputation. Of course, everyone is looking for a good deal, which is why we offer such a low price for the service we provide. We know that getting a great price when listing your home for a flat fee is going to make you happy, but we also understand that a low price is worthless without exceptional service. We take pride in servicing each and every seller looking to list for a flat fee to reduce the commissions associated with selling real estate. We are not just another flat fee listing service we are a referral-based flat fee MLS listing service. This means we do everything in our power to provide you with the best possible selling experience so you will refer friends, family, and co-workers. Without happy customers we have nothing. We have gained a loyal following and industry recognition because we take the time to educate our flat fee sellers so they know how to get a deal done. We are available whenever you need us and we constantly provide selling tips and advice at no extra charge.
For a small flat fee, your home will be on the Multiple Listing Service until sold. This is the same exact service that every Massachusetts and New Hampshire Real Estate Agent uses to sell homes. Once we list your home we will have your listing syndicated across the Internet. In addition to our online marketing partner sites your home will be displayed on thousands of real estate related sites. Yes, we said thousands. Once you decide to list your home through our flat fee MLS service we will take care of all your marketing. We do everything in our power to get the word out that you are selling your home.In real estate reputation is everything. Why? Because nobody wants to work with an agency who has a poor image or reputation. Our agency and flat fee MLS service are both well known and reputable throughout the industry here in New England. Real estate agents love introducing buyers to all properties we list on MLS for a flat fee because they know we assist quality sellers. Your listing will be introduced to Buyer’s Agents under the Hillman Real Estate name.